Fund Raising News and Tools for Non-profits

Friday, July 9, 2010

Who do I Ask?

You are ready to develop your prospect list. But who do you want to ask? And who will most likely give you a gift and help you with introductions to additional donors?

Look to individuals that already give to similar organizations as yours. Donor recognition reports are often available on line. If you are an animal shelter, look to other animal shelters to see who their donors are.

Take a good look at your current donors. Who do they know? Where do they work? Who can they connect you with?

Does the prospect that you are interested in approaching live or work in the community in which you operate your NPO?

Has the prospect given to your NPO in the past? Maybe they have given for years at minor rate. Now may be the time to ask for a larger gift.

Take a look at your special event guest list. Is there anyone on the list that can give or help you connect with someone else?

Has the prospect, his/her family member or friends benefited from your services?

The key here is to find the connection. There are so many NPO out there, what makes your organization special to the prospect?


  1. Where are some place to find donor recognition reports? Is there a database or only on specific organization websites?

  2. The easiest way is to look them up online. Many organizations publish their donor names on their website. Another way is to ask your board members. Many board members give to other NPO's. If they are listed in a book then they will receive a copy.
