Fund Raising News and Tools for Non-profits

Saturday, March 6, 2010

With Pennsylvania'a delay in passing the FY10 budget many of the local non-profits were feeling like sitting ducks waiting to see what would happen with this year's budget. As the President of the local AFP Chapter and with the help of Representative Mario Scavello(R), and our chapter officers we organized a Legislative Forum. I have always felt that knowledge was power and so we went looking for some answers. Below are the 5 tips that highlight what we found out:

1. Invite your local legislators to visit your non-profit. Remember that the legislators "talk up". They will let state and federal congressmen know what your needs are.

2. Use the local newspapers to spread the word. The politicians at your capital do read the papers. So when you speak about your non-profit be sure to speak about your needs.

3. Regarding stimulus money - the dollars are going to larger project ready causes and can be accessed through local economic development groups.

4. NPO are strongly encouraged to collaborate. There is and will continue to be less money to go around so collaborating is more important than ever.

5.Grants need to be accurately and consicely written. This is nothing new but now that there is less money, sloppy work will be dropped to the bottom and may not get a second look.

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